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Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.answers:3537 comp.dcom.lans.misc:909
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!hri.com!noc.near.net!news.Brown.EDU!qt.cs.utexas.edu!cs.utexas.edu!usc!rpi!newsserver.pixel.kodak.com!psinntp!newstand.syr.edu!spider.syr.EDU!jmwobus
From: jmwobus@mailbox.syr.edu (John Wobus)
Newsgroups: news.answers,bit.listserv.big-lan,comp.dcom.lans.misc
Subject: BIG-LAN/bit.listserv.big-lan FAQ
Message-ID: <1992Oct16.131731.19197@newstand.syr.edu>
Date: 16 Oct 92 17:17:31 GMT
Reply-To: big-lan-request@suvm.syr.edu
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Organization: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Lines: 1329
Approved: jmwobus@mailbox.syr.edu
Originator: jmwobus@spider.syr.EDU
Archive-name: LANs/big-lan-faq
BIG-LAN Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: October 13, 1992
Acknowledgements: A lot of people provided information for me and I freely
admit that I have not recorded the list of names. Thanks to all.
I. About BIG-LAN
II. Explanation of this Memo
III. Sources of Information on Campus Networks
1. Must-Read Sources
2. A Few General Sources
3. LISTSERV Mailing Lists
4. Internet Mailing Lists
5. USENET/Netnews Groups
6. Anonymous FTP-based Archive Sites
7. LISTSERV-based Archive Sites
8. RFCs (Internet "Request For Comments")
9. Other Useful Online Papers
10. Sources of Protocol Documents
11. Useful Free Software
12. Books
13. Periodicals
14. Training Courses
15. Conferences
IV. Basic Glossary on Campus Networks
V. Frequently Asked Questions on Campus Networks
1. What is the difference between Ethernet and IEEE 802.3?
2. What is encapsulation? What do I have to know about it?
3. How do I know whether to use a router or a bridge?
4. How do I know whether to use a bridge or a repeater? How many
repeaters may I put on an Ethernet?
5. Should I use "manageable" hubs, concentrators, etc on my LAN?
6. Which LAN technology should I use? Arcnet? FDDI? Token Ring? 10BASE-T?
7. What is the ideal cable to install in a new building?
8. What is the ideal cable to install between buildings on a campus?
9. Whose routers are recommended?
10. Whose bridges are recommended?
11. Whose Ethernet equipment are recommended?
12. Whose Token Ring equipment are recommended?
13. Whose FDDI equipment are recommended?
14. What PC network software is recommended?
15. What protocols should run on a campus-wide LAN?
16. What software is recommended for managing a campus-wide LAN?
17. What terminal server is recommended?
18. Whose troubleshooting equipment are recommended?
19. What security products should I buy?
20. Should the names of devices on my campus LAN have subdomains?
21. Should client stations use POP? Should they use just SMTP? Should
I use some non-TCP/IP protocol for mail to/from client stations?
22. Should I enable SQE/heartbeat?
I. About BIG-LAN
BIG-LAN is a mailing list for discussion of issues in designing and
operating Campus-Size Local Area Networks, especially complex
ones utilizing multiple technologies and supporting multiple
protocols. Topics include repeaters, bridges, routers and
gateways; how to incorporate smaller Personal-Computer type LANs
into the campus-wide LAN; how to unify the mail systems, etc.
This is an ideal list in which to debate the relative merits of
bridges vs routers.
All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
questions, etc., should be sent to BIG-LAN-REQUEST@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU
(Internet) or BIG-REQ@SUVM (Bitnet). Those familiar with LISTSERV
can subscribe with LISTSERV@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU (Internet) or
Archives are available through LISTSERV and anonymous ftp.
Coordinator: John Wobus <JMWOBUS@SUVM.ACS.SYR.EDU>
II. Explanation of this Memo
Since BIG-LAN is not specific to any protocol family, it will
not cover any particular protocol family in detail, e.g. this
is not a TCP/IP/Internet FAQ Memo. Fortunately, there are some
good TCP/IP FAQ Memos which are listed in the sources of
information below.
Suggestions, corrections, and contributions welcome. Please
send them to:
III. Sources of Information on Campus Networks
This list favors "network" sources of information: available on
the Internet and/or BITNET and other similar networks; if you
have access to BIG-LAN then you have access to one of these
networks; and these sources are not the kind which you can
discover through vendors, books, bookstores, or libraries.
1. Must-Read Sources
These are documents that you definitely should get and read if you
have questions about Campus Networks.
a. Charles Spurgeon's reading list (see below under "Other Useful
Online Papers").
b. RFCs 1175, 1206, and 1207 (see below under "RFCs").
2. A Few General Sources
These are network resources & mechanisms for getting all kinds
of information--not just on Networking; thus we can't cover them
very thoroughly in this memo.
a. LISTSERV - mailing list servers & file servers on BITNET, accessible
via e-mail. Can be reached and used from a lot of networks.
Mail the command INFO to any LISTSERV for help. Also have
database commands (i.e. search commands) for archives they store.
b. Usenet News/Netnews: distributed bulletin board with discussions
on lots of topics. Distributed through the Internet and through
c. Anonymous ftp: the main way to make files available on the Internet.
ftp to a site using username "anonymous". A password is always
demanded--sometimes a banner tells you what to use--otherwise
"guest" almost always works.
d. Archie servers - network-accessible databases of where to get
files via anonymous ftp. Access is through telnet, rlogin,
mail, or a special "archie" protocol. To use via telnet,
enter username archie. Some servers: archie.ans.net,
archie.sura.net, archie.mcgill.edu, archie.unl.edu.
e. WAIS - Internet-accessible databases on different topics.
Available via WAIS protocol (basically Z39.50). Client
(and server) software is collected on quake.think.com as
well as a WAIS database of WAIS servers.
f. ftplist.txt - collected list of anonymous ftp sites.
Stored lots of places in anonymous ftp including syr.edu.
g. Internet gopher - something like anonymous ftp only more advanced:
to get started, I suggest ftping boombox.micro.umn.edu and getting
information on gopher. A number of sites have servers.
h. Internet List of lists: available by anonymous ftp from
ftp.nisc.sri.com, or through a mail-based file server
at mailserver@nisc.sri.com.
i. LISTSERV internal list of lists. Available by mailing the command
j. news.answers - newsgroup that distributes Frequently Asked
Questions memos for lots of Netnews groups.
k. FAQ archive available via anonymous ftp on pit-manager.mit.edu
From the archives of news.answers, Frequently Asked Question
memos for lots of Netnews groups.
l. news.announce.newusers - has periodic postings about how to
use Usenet/Netnews and also a lot about mailing lists.
m. BITFTP. A BITNET server that allows BITNET sites to use the
Internet's File Transfer Protocol to send/receive files to
ftpable Internet sites. For more information, send mail
to BITFTP@PUCC with HELP as the message body.
n. Database of lists managed by LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU. Use through
LISTSERV's database interface.
o. Maas files--Indexes & abstracts about various services available
via Internet & BITNET including some related to campus networks.
Available via anonymous ftp from ftp.unt.edu.
p. NETSCOUT@VMTECMEX.BITNET mailing list. A list to exchange information
on the location of network resources. LISTSERV-based so use
instructions below to subscribe, etc.
3. LISTSERV Mailing Lists
Send a "SUBSCRIBE" command to LISTSERV@foo, e.g.
e. CW-EMAIL@TECMTYVM.BITNET (Campus Wide E-mail)
f. CWIS-L@WUVMD.BITNET (Campus Wide Information Systems)
h. HELP-NET@TEMPLEVM.BITNET (Help re networking software)
4. Internet Mailing Lists
Send a subscription request for list foo to foo-request@blah
a. big-lan@suvm.acs.syr.edu (gives you 2 ways)
b. cisco@spot.colorado.edu
c. p4200@comet.cit.cornell.edu (Proteon routers)
d. tcp-ip@nic.ddn.mil
e. netblazer-users@telebit.com
f. info-appletalk@andrew.cmu.edu
g. net-ops@nsl.dec.com
h. nfs@tmc.edu
i. wellfleet-l@nstn.ns.ca
j. ospf@trantor.umd.edu (OSPF IP routing protocol)
k. pop@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
l. bind@ucbarpa.berkeley.edu
m. pc-ip@udel.edu
n. drivers@sun.soe.clarkson.edu (Packet Drivers)
5. USENET/Netnews Groups
a. comp.dcom.* lans, modems, sys.cisco, telecom, ...
b. comp.protocols.* appletalk, tcp-ip, ibm, ppp, ...
c. comp.sys.proteon
d. comp.sys.novell
e. comp.sys.mac.comm
f. bit.listserv.big-lan (Note: these groups give Netnews
g. bit.listserv.novell readers a way to read the corresponding
h. bit.listserv.cwis-l LISTSERV lists)
i. bit.listserv.cw-mail
j. bit.listserv.3com-l
k. alt.dcom.* catv, telecom, ...
6. Anonymous FTP-based Archive Sites
a. syr.edu: BIG-LAN mailing list; NOVELL mailing list; a collection of
network-oriented papers.
b. spot.colorado.edu: cisco mailing list & some other network stuff
c. hsdndev.harvard.edu: (in pub/rtests/10.91) Results of Scott
Bradner's router benchmarks.
d. ftp.uu.net: a treasure trove of software.
e. wuarchive.wustl.edu: a treasure trove of software.
f. vax.ftp.com: packet drivers, some Unix software, other stuff.
g. ftp.utexas.edu: collection of networking info & software.
h. ftp.slc.is.novell.com: files Novell makes available.
i. ftp.cisco.com: files Cisco makes available & some interesting
j. gatekeeper.dec.com: a treasure trove of software & stuff
(the stuff that was on decwrl.dec.com).
k. lux.levels.unisa.edu.au: files that 3Com distributes via
l. ftp.unt.edu: Maas files and other goodies.
m. simtel20.army.mil: a treasure trove of software, including
packet drivers (pd1:<msdos.pktdrvr>). Mirrored on ftp.uu.net
and wuarchive.wustl.edu.
n. osi.ncsl.nist.gov: online copies of GOSIP & related documents.
7. LISTSERV-based Archive Sites
The brave can mail the command "INFO FILES" and/or the command
"INFO DATABASE" to the LISTSERV for instructions.
a. LISTSERV@SUVM.BITNET: BIG-LAN & NOVELL mailing list archives.
8. RFCs (Internet "Request For Comments")
Some anonymous ftp sites for RFCs: nic.ddn.mil, ftp.nisc.sri.com,
nis.nsf.net, nisc.jvnc.net, venera.isi.edu, wuarchive.wustl.edu.
There are also some mail-based file servers:
mailserver@nisc.sri.com, info-server@nnsc.nsf.net, and
a. RFC1147: FYI on a network management tool catalog: Tools for
monitoring and debugging TCP/IP internets and interconnected devices
b. RFC1175: FYI on where to start: A bibliography of internetworking
c. RFC1206: FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to commonly asked
"new Internet user" questions
d. RFC1178: Choosing a name for your computer
e. RFC1207: FYI on Questions and Answers: Answers to commonly asked
"experienced Internet user" questions
f. RFC1244: Site Security Handbook
g. RFC1118: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet
h. RFC1122 & RFC1123: Requirements for Internet Hosts
i. RFC1208: A Glossary of Networking Terms
j. RFC1180: A TCP/IP Tutorial
k. RFC1173: Responsibilities of Host and Network Managers:
A Summary of the Oral Tradition of the Internet
l. IAB Official Protocol Standards (Currently RFC1250 but it is
periodically updated & given a new RFC number)
m. Assigned Numbers (Currently RFC1060 but it is periodically
updated & given a new RFC number; Includes field-values for
protocols in the TCP/IP family as well as some others)
9. Other Useful Online Papers
a. Charles Spurgeon. "Network Reading List: TCP/IP, UNIX, and
Ethernet". Available via anonymous ftp from ftp.utexas.edu
in directory pub/netinfo/docs as net-read.txt and netread-ps.
Also available via electronic-mail-based archive server. Send
the word "help" in the subject header or body of a message
to archive-server@ftp.utexas.edu for more information.
b. Charles Hedrick. "Introduction to the Administration of an
Internet-based Local Network". Available via anonymous ftp
from cs.rutgers.edu as runet/tcp-ip-admin.doc (also .ps).
c. Charles Hedrick. "Introduction to Internet Protocols."
Available via anonymous ftp from cs.rutgers.edu as
runet/tcp-ip-intro.doc (also .ps).
d. Unofficial lists of codes used on 802.3 & Ethernet networks.
Portions of the official list are not released, so various
people compile unofficial lists. One that is available via
anonymous ftp is Michael Patton's pub/map/EtherNet-Codes
on ftp.lcs.mit.edu. See also RFC: "Assigned Numbers".
e. Scott Jenkins: "Frequently Asked Questions for NOVELL@SUVM
Mailing List." Available via anonymous ftp from
info.umd.edu in the info/Computers/Novell/Information directory.
f. Brendan Kehoe: "Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's
Guide to the Internet." Available via anonymous ftp from
ftp.cs.widener.edu in the pub/zen directory.
10. Sources of Protocol Documents
a. Ethernet V2 DEC-Direct; 1-800-344-4825; DEC Part Number AA-K759B-TK.
b. IEEE 802 (802.3, Token Ring, 10BASE-T, etc) IEEE; 1-800-678-IEEE.
c. TCP/IP RFCs. See RFCs (above).
d. Appletalk APDA; 1-800-282-APDA. Now a book in the "Inside" series.
e. OSI Omnicom Inc.; 1-800-666-4266.
f. DECNet DEC.
h. Novell(IPX) Built on XNS; rest is designed by Novell.
i. FDDI ANSI; 1-212-642-4900.
Also Global Engineering Documents; 1-800-854-7179.
2805 McGaw Avenue; PO Box 19539; Irvine, CA 92714;
j. CCITT United Nations book shop in New York
k. GOSIP NTIS Sales Dept; (703)487-4650; Document FIPS 146-1;
See also Anonymous FTP-based Archive Sites
l. XNS Xerox.
11. Useful Free Software
(see also RFC1147; listed above)
a. CUTCP (TCP/IP client for PCs) sun.soe.clarkson.edu,
b. NCSA Telnet (Telnet clients for PCs & Macs) ftp.nsca.uiuc.edu
c. Eudora (POP3 Client for Macs) ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
d. POPmail (POP3 Client for PCs & Macs) boombox.micro.umn.edu
e. PCROUTE (Makes IP router out of PC) accuvax.nwu.edu
f. PCBRIDGE (Makes bridge out of PC) accuvax.nwu.edu
g. Packet Drivers (Drivers for various PC LAN cards) simtel20.army.mil
h. WinQVT (IP clients for Windows) ftp.cica.indiana.edu
i. ka9q (TCP/IP for PCs and Macs) ucsd.edu
j. PC/IP (TCP/IP client for MS-DOS) husc6.harvard.edu
k. charon (Pegasus/smtp gateway) omnigate.clarkson.edu
l. CAP (AppleTalk for Unix systems) rutgers.edu, munnari.oz.au,
m. Popper (POP3 server for Unix systems) ftp.cc.berkeley.edu
n. Trumpet (PC Newsreader) simtel20.army.mil
o. bootpd (Bootp Daemon for Unix) lancaster.andrew.cmu.edu
p. NUPOP (POP3 daemon for MS-DOS) ftp.acns.nwu.edu
q. PC netwatching program [I don't know name or site]
r. iupop3 (POP3 server for VMS) mythos.ucs.indiana.edu
12. Books
The following books were mentioned by responders to the 12/91
BIG-LAN Reader Survey as good books for administrators of Campus-sized
a. Douglas Comer. Internetworking with TCP/IP.
b. Marshall Rose. The Simple Book.
c. Caroline Arms. Campus Networking Strategies. Digital Press.
d. DEC Telecomm. & Network Buyer's Guide.
f. Marshall Rose. The Open Book.
g. Carl Malamud. Analyzing Novell Networks.
h. Andrew Tanenbaum. Computer Networks.
i. Martin A. W. Nemzow. Keeping The Link (McGraw-Hill).
j. William Stallings. Local Networks: an Introduction.
k. John McCann. NetWare Supervisor's Guide.
l. William Stallings. Handbook of Communications Standards. (?)
m. Nemeth, Snyder & Seebass. Unix System Administration Handbook.
Other interesting looking books:
n. Mark A. Miller. Troubleshooting Internetworks.
13. Periodicals
The following periodicals were mentioned by responders to the 12/91
BIG-LAN Reader Survey as good periodicals for administrators of Campus-
sized LANs:
a. LAN Times
b. Communications Week
c. Network Computing
d. ConneXions
e. Data Communications
f. Network World
g. LAN Magazine
h. Info World
i. SunExpert
j. Telecommunications
k. Computerworld
l. DataCommunicationInternational
m. Datamation
n. Digital Review
o. LAN Technology
p. Lightwave
q. MacUser
r. MacWeek
s. MacWorld
t. Networking Management
u. PC Week
14. Training Courses
The following providers of tutorials were mentioned by responders to
the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
a. Interop
b. ACM SIGComm
c. Learning Tree
d. Novell
e. PSI
f. Usenix
15. Conferences
The following conferences were mentioned by responders to the 12/91
BIG-LAN Reader Survey as good conferences for administrators of Campus-
sized LANs:
a. Interop
b. Usenix
c. ComNet
d. NetWorld
e. ACM SIGComm
IV. Basic Glossary on Campus Networks
Another glossary is RFC1208. See "Online Papers" above.
ANSI "American National Standards Institute" - A definer of
standards of all kinds, including FDDI.
Appletalk - A protocol family developed by Apple Computer to
implement LANs serving Macintoshes.
ATM "Asynchronous Transfer Mode" - a method for switching little
fixed-size packets (cells) around. Like T1 and DS3, digitized
voice was a major consideration in its design, but it can be
used for data. It is designed around fixed speeds too, roughly
150MBS and 600MBS. The fixed cell size is 53 bytes. Though ATM
is really designed for voice and WANs, there are schemes to use
it in LANs. ATM is a big buzzword these days but it is still
very new.
AUI "Attachment Unit Interface" - the Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 term
for the interface between a MAU and a station. A special kind
of cable known as an "AUI Cable" can attach a MAU to a station
at a distance (up to 50 meters).
BNC Connector "Bayonet Neill-Concelman connector" - a type of
connector used for attaching coax cable to electronic equipment
which can be attached or detached quicker than connectors that
screw. ThinWire Ethernet (IEEE 802.3 10BASE2) uses BNC connectors.
Bridge - A network "relay" which reads, buffers, and sends
data to relay it from one data link to another, but makes
the two data links appear as one to levels higher than the
data link layer.
CDDI "Copper Data Distribution Interface" - essentially a way to
use electrical communications cables in an FDDI network. Several
companies have worked out ways to do this but ANSI has yet to
standardize one. I think CDDI was coined by Crescendo corporation
for their scheme, but it may well be adopted by ANSI as the name.
So far there are schemes that work on Coax, on STP and UTP, but
the front runners look like they will be able to run on UTP for
about 100 meters.
CMIP "Common Management Information Protocol" - An OSI protocol
for management of network equipment. Not widely implmented.
CMOT "CMIP over TCP/IP" - A protocol consisting of CMIP running
under TCP/IP. An alternative to SNMP.
Coaxial Cable - any of a number of kinds of electrical
communications cable designed so one conductor is in the
center and the second conductor forms a ring around it.
Depending upon who you talk to, someone might have a specific
kind of coaxial cable in mind. Some well known kinds are
various Cable TV cables, cables used by IBM 327x terminals
and ARCnet, and cables used by Ethernet & IEEE 802.3.
DECnet - Trade name of Digital Equipment Corporation for some
of their networking products. It is a kind of network
built out of Digital Equipment Corporations own networking
protocols (with some standard protocols also used).
Dialup Modem - Modem used over ordinary dial-up telephone lines
as opposed to private or leased lines.
Ethernet - LAN data-link protocol developed by a consortium
of vendors; later standardized as IEEE 802.3 with a few
modifications. For many applications, users have not adopted
all the IEEE 802.3 differences. Ethernet/802.3 now can be
run on two types of coaxial cable as well as multi-mode
fiber and unshielded twisted-pair. "Raw" rate of data
transmission is 10 megabits/second.
FDDI "Fiber Data Distribution Interface" - LAN data-link protocol.
Designed to run on multi-mode fiber. "Raw" rate of data
transmission is 100 megabits/second. Developed by the American
National Standards Institute.
FDDI-2 - Same speed, same fiber, same basic protocol as FDDI.
FDDI-2 adds a layer which allows you to allocate fixed bandwith
to applications of your choice, making it more like broadband.
FDDI-2 is still rather new.
Fiber - optical fiber: a very long, narrow, flexible piece of glass.
Used for high-speed communications.
FOIRL "Fiber Optic Inter-Repeater Link" - a standard for running
IEEE 802.3 over fiber. It was originally designed to link two
repeaters, and only supports two attachments. Many users use it
to attach a station to a repeater. See 10BASE-F.
FTP - Protocol in the "TCP/IP" family for copying files from
one computer to another. Stands for "File Transfer Protocol".
Gateway - A type of "network relay" that attaches two networks
to build a larger network. Modern "narrow" usage is that it
is one that translates an entire stack of protocols, e.g.,
translates TCP/IP-style mail to ISO-style mail. Older usage
used it for other types of relays--in particular, in the "TCP/IP"
world, it has been used to refer to what many now insist is
a "router".
GOSIP "Government Open Systems Interconnect Profile" - A subset of
OSI standards specific to US Government procurements, designed
to maximize interoperability in areas where plain OSI standards
are ambiguous or allow options. Theoretically, required of all
US Government networking procurements since mid-1990.
Heartbeat - In Ethernet (Version 2), a test of the collision
functionality of the transciever. The term "Heartbeat" is often
(wrongly) used interchangeably with "SQE" which is a similar
function of IEEE 802.3. See Question on SQE/Heartbeat below.
IPX - Novell's protocol used by Netware. Utilizes part of XNS.
A router with "IPX routing" purports to interconnect LANs so
that Novell Netware clients & servers can talk through the router.
MAU "Media Adaptor Unit" - an IEEE 802.3 or Ethernet device which
attaches a station to the cable. Popularly called a "transceiver".
Can be attached by cable to the station or built into the
MIB "Management Information Base" - the set of parameters an SNMP
management station can query or set in an SNMP agent (e.g. router).
Standard, minimal MIBs have been defined (MIB I, MIB II), and vendors
often have custom entries. In theory, any SNMP manager can talk
to any SNMP agent with a properly defined MIB.
Multimode fiber - A type of fiber mostly used for shorter, e.g. campus
distances. It can carry 100 megabits/second for typical campus
distances, the actual maximum speed (given the right electronics)
depending upon the actual distance. It is easier to connect to than
Single Mode Fiber, but its limit on speed x distance is lower.
NFS "Network File System" - an IP-based protocol originally developed
by Sun Microsystems which provides file services.
OSI "Open System Interconnect" - A standard put forth by the ISO for
communication between computer equipment and networks.
OSI Reference Model - A model put forth by the ISO for communication
between computer equipment and networks, which maps out 7 protocol
Top layer: layer number 7: application layer
layer number 6: presentation layer
layer number 5: session layer
layer number 4: transport layer
layer number 3: network layer
layer number 2: data-link layer (e.g. IEEE 802.x)
Bottom layer: layer number 1: physical layer (wire & electricity)
This model explains what each layer does. The model is often
used to explain anyones protocols (not just OSI) to the point
where many people seem to believe that true data-communications
requires these 7 layers.
POP "Post Office Protocol" - A TCP/IP-based protocol designed to allow
client-stations (e.g. micros) to read mail from a server. There
are three versions under the name "POP": POP, POP2, and POP3.
Latter versions are NOT compatible with earlier versions.
Protocol - The "rules" by which two network elements trade information
in order to communicate. Must include rules about a lot of mundane
detail as well as rules about how to recover from a lot of unusual
communication problems. Thus they can be quite complicated.
Relay - One terminology uses the term "relay" as a device that
interconnects LANs, different kinds of relays being repeaters,
bridges, routers, and gateways.
Repeater - In the "Ethernet" world, a "relay" that regenerates and
cleans up signals, but does no buffering of data packets.
It can extend an Ethernet by strengthening signals, but timing
limitations on Ethernets still limit their size.
RFC "Request For Comments" - The name is a real red herring when
it comes to Internet RFCs. Some really are "Requests For Comments"
but all Internet protocol documents are stamped with an RFC number
that they never shake, so the acronym RFC generally refers to
documents that describe protocols in the TCP/IP family.
RG numbers (E.g. RG62; sometimes there are qualifiers, e.g. RG 58
A/U) a shorthand designation for military cable. RG58 & RG62
designate two different types of cable used by the military.
Some data-communications equipment was designed to work with
a particular military standard, e.g. IBM 3270-type terminals
use RG62. In other cases, people use an RG-numbered cable
that is close to what they need: for example Thinwire
Ethernet & IEEE 802.3 10BASE2 define the type of cable they
need and people sometimes substitute flavors of RG58, which
are "close". One can't recommend this practice because you
can get yourself in trouble. I think "RG" originally stood
for "Radio Guide", presumably reflecting the fact that the
series of cables was designed to handle radio frequencies. The
IEEE 802.3 10BASE2 specifications define two RG numbered cables
(RG58 A/U and RG58 C/U) as meeting the cable requirements for
thin Ethernet. However, cable vendors may list a range of
cables under these same RG numbers, and some of the cables
listed may not meet the 802.3 specs. You need to check the
cable specifications closely, and beware of relying on the RG
number alone when ordering network cables.
Router - A network "relay" that uses a protocol beyond the
data-link protocol to route traffic between LANs and other
network links.
Routing Protocol - a protocol sent between routers by which
routers exchange information own how to route to various parts
of the network. The TCP/IP family of protocols has a bunch,
such as RIP, EGP, BGP, OSPF, and dual IS-IS.
Shielded Twisted Pair - a type of twisted-pair cable with a
metallic shield around the twisted conductors. The shield
reduces the noise from the cable and reduces the effects of
noise on the communications in the cable, but changes the
electrical characteristics of the cable so some equipment
optimized to non-shielded cable runs worse on shielded cable.
Single Mode fiber - a type of fiber optic cable used for longer
distances and higher speeds, e.g. for long-distance telephone
lines. See also "Multimode Fiber".
SMTP "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol" - the protocol in the
TCP/IP family used to transfer electronic mail between
computers. It is not oriented towards a client/server system so
other protocols (see "POP") are often used in that context.
However, servers will use SMTP if they need to transfer a
message to another server.
SNMP "Simple Network Management Protocol" - Originally developed
to manage IP based network equipment like routers and bridges,
now extended to wiring hubs, workstations, toasters, jukeboxes,
etc. SNMP for IPX and AppleTalk under development. Widely
implemented. See CMIP.
SQE Test "Signal Quality Error Test" - an IEEE 802.3 function
that tests the transceiver. The term "SQE" is often (wrongly)
used interchangeably with "Heartbeat" which is a similar
function of Ethernet Version 2. See Question on SQE/Heartbeat
TCP/IP "Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol" -
literally, two protocols developed for the Defense Data Network
to allow their ARPANET to attach to other networks relatively
transparently. The name also designates the entire family of
protocols built out of IP and TCP. The Internet is based upon
TELNET - a protocol in the TCP/IP family that is used for
"remote login". The name is also often used as the name of the
client program that utilizes the TELNET protocol.
Terminal Server - a network device that allows a number of
terminals to attach to a LAN, and do remote logins across the
TN3270 - A variant of the TELNET program that allows one to
attach to IBM mainframes and use the mainframe as if you had a
3270 or similar terminal.
Token Ring - People often mean 802.5 when they say "Token Ring"
(see below). In the more general sense of the word, a type of
LAN that has stations wired in a ring, where each station
constantly passes a special message (a "token") on to the next.
Whoever has the token can send a message.
Tunnelling - An important concept in the design of many kinds of
networks: taking some protocol-family's ability to move packets
from user to user, or to open virtual-circuits between users,
and use this as if it were a data-link protocol to run another
protocol family's upper layers (or even the same protocol
family's upper layers). Examples: running TCP/IP over Appletalk
instead of something like Ethernet; running Appletalk over
DECnet instead of something like Localtalk or Ethernet.
Twisted Pair - The type of wire used by the phone company to wire
telephones -- at least over distances like between your house
and the central office. It has two conductors, which are twisted.
The twists are important: they give it electrical characteristics
which allow some kinds of communications otherwise not possible.
Ordinary telephone cables are not shielded (see "Shielded twisted
T1 - A phone-company standard for running 24 digitized voice circuits
through one 1.5megabit/second digital channel. Since phone companies
run lots of T1, and will run T1 between customer sites, the
standard is often used for data communications, either to provide
24 low-speed circuits, or to provide 1 high-speed circuit, or to
be divided other ways.
UTP (Unshielded Twisted-Pair) - See "Twisted-Pair" and "Shielded
X.400, X.500 - OSI protocols for mail and directory services.
10BASE-T - A variant of IEEE 802.3 which allows stations to be attached
via twisted-pair cable.
10BASE-F - A variant of IEEE 802. 3 under development which
allows stations to be attached via multimode fiber. It will
offer a variety of methods of using fiber in an IEEE 802.3
network that go beyond what is currently offered in FOIRL. The
current 10BASE-F draft is likely to be confirmed. draft is
likely to be confirmed. Sections of the draft include "Fiber
Optic Medium and Common Elements of Medium Attachment Units and
Star, Type 10BASE-F (Section 15)", "Fiber Optic Passive Star and
Medium Attachment Unit, Type 10BASE-FP (Section 16)", "Fiber
Optic Medium Attachment Unit, Type 10BASE-FB (Section 17)", and
"Fiber Optic Medium Attachment Unit, Type 10BASE-FL (Section
802 - The set of IEEE standards for the definition of LAN protocols.
A story goes that a long time ago, IEEE and ANSI decided that
IEEE would get the slow protocols and ANSI would get the fast
ones, thus IEEE defined the 802 protocols and ANSI defined FDDI.
Presumably IEEE saw limited application for FDDI at the time.
Also, the IEEE standards-making committees associated with these
802.1 - The IEEE 802 standard for Network Management and Network
Bridging of IEEE 802 networks.
802.2 - An IEEE standard for the portion of LAN data-link protocols
that is the same for all flavors of IEEE LAN protocols, e.g.
802.3 and 802.5. Sometimes not used.
802.3 - An IEEE standard for LANs--their "improved" version of Ethernet.
See Ethernet.
802.4 - An IEEE standard for LANs: Token Bus networks. Basically,
standardizes MAP, a protocol that operates a Token Bus protocol on
802.5 - An IEEE standard for Token-Ring-based LANs. See Token Ring.
802.6 - An IEEE standard for Metropolitan Area Networks. Also known
as DQDB.
802.7 - IEEE 802 technical advisory group on Broadband.
802.8 - IEEE 802 technical advisory group on FDDI & fiber optics.
802.9 - IEEE 802 group on integrated data & voice networks.
802.11 - Proposed IEEE 802 group for wireless Ethernet.
V. Frequently Asked Questions on Campus Networks
It is hard to answer typical BIG-LAN questions in advance for
two reasons. Answers are often long and they are often
controversial. To provide some sort of objective information
relevant to the controversies, a survey of BIG-LAN readers was
taken on answers to various questions, so this memo could offer
a sampling of opinions. Note that the opinions below are
extracted from the 41 responses received for the survey. We
can't say these 41 responses represent a fair sampling of campus
LAN administrators, but they do show some of the answers that
you would get if you posed some of these questions to the
BIG-LAN readership.
1. What is the difference between Ethernet and IEEE 802.3?
Ethernet ran through an evolution starting with some
experimenting at Xerox, and ending with a standard
published by Xerox, DEC, and Intel, which they offered to
the world (with minimal royalties) as a standard technology
for building LANs. The Institute of Electrical &
Electronic Engineers took this as a proposed standard, and
rewrote the protocol description making some clarifications
and a few changes. Some of the changes have been
universally adopted, and others have not. After the first
go round of IEEE standard defining, Ethernet version 2 was
introduced which brought it more into line with standards.
The basic differences are:
- Heartbeat vs SQE (see below)
- Which pin in the MAU & AUI connectors carry the ground
- Packet Length Field vs Type Field
The latter issue is the one in which IEEE 802.3 has not
displaced Ethernet. Ethernet had a 16-bit field which
defined the type of packet (examples: IP, XNS, Appletalk).
The IEEE committee decided to use that field to specify the
length of the packet, and have the data-portion of the
packet define itself through the next higher level of
protocol (e.g., IEEE 802.2). However, the sets of possible
values for that field used by the two different protocols
are completely separate, and both protocols are designed to
deliberately ignore packets with fields outside their own
sets of values. Thus Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 packets can
coexist on the same cable, though a computer which expects
to get packets belonging to just one of the protocols won't
notice any packets sent according to the rules of the other
(the expression used is "they pass by each other like ships
in the night").
These days, LANs use both. There is a way to send TCP/IP
packets via 802.3, but when 802.3 was introduced, there
were already so many systems using the Ethernet rules that
the use of Ethernet-style packets for TCP/IP has persisted
now for years.
2. What is encapsulation? What do I have to know about it?
One encapsulation issue on LANs is whether IEEE 802.3
packets are used or Ethernet packets are used to
encapsulate your traffic on your IEEE 802.3/Ethernet LAN.
See previous question for more explanation. Most TCP/IP
systems use Ethernet, any that uses IEEE 802.3 by default
might surprise you by not interoperating with the rest of
your TCP/IP network.
A second encapsulation issue on IEEE 802.3/Ethernet
networks is whether your Novell (IPX) packets use Novell's
default encapsulation or whether they use Ethernet-style
encapsulation. Novell, at least for a long time, had the
distinction of using IEEE 802.3 as if it were the only
protocol on the network, not following the rules for
avoiding other protocols running under IEEE 802.3 rules.
They offered a utility called ECONFIG that changed Netware
to use Ethernet rules, and use them properly, so Novell IPX
packets could utilize the same LAN as other protocols. In
no case would the Novell traffic bother Ethernet traffic--
only any other IEEE 802.3 traffic if ECONFIG wasn't used.
In any case, a single Ethernet segment, or bridged
segments, had to have all Novell servers and clients
configured the same, in order to interoperate.
A third encapsulation issue stems from Berkeley Unix 4.2,
from which many versions of Unix and many TCP/IP
implementations have been modeled. It used, by default,
its own encapsulation rules (i.e., manner of putting IP
packets within Ethernet packets) which is termed "Trailer
Encapsulation". When an Ethernet had some computers using
Trailer Encapsulation and some not, TCP/IP connections
would often work, but hang when large data transfers were
taking place. The next version of Berkeley Unix, version
4.3, remedied this by avoiding Trailer Encapsulation except
when it was guaranteed to work correctly.
A fourth encapsulation issue is "tunnelling", which
consists of one of the layers in the protocol stack
mimicking another layer to provide a way of running a
different set of upper layers than would otherwise be
possible. This is rather widely used and seldom explained
to beginners. It is perhaps best explained with an actual
[Here put an example, perhaps Appletalk over IP]
[Include "encapsulated bridging" as a second example]
3. How do I know whether to use a router or a bridge?
(Note that the answer to this question is oriented to
Ethernet-based LANs). Few administrators of networks doubt
that a network can be large enough to require routers nor
that there are situations where a bridge is an effective
solution. However, there is controversy as to where to
draw the line. Campus-sized networks involving distances
of up to a mile and possibly thousands of stations, can be,
and have been built solely out of one or the other. The
BIG-LAN Survey of 12/91 showed the following opinion among
Survey question: "When you build a campus network, do you
tend to use bridges as opposed to routers?"
Answers: 9 said yes; 26 said no; 2 said "brouters"
(combination bridge/routers) would be the best solution.
Some clear tradeoffs: routers generally have to be set up
no matter what whereas bridges can be plug-and-play on a
network without too much total traffic; bridges generally
have a higher speed-to-cost ratio and the low-end bridge is
less expensive than the low-end router; routers handle huge
networks with links of different speeds better.
4. How do I know whether to use a bridge or a repeater? How many
repeaters may I put on an Ethernet?
You cannot keep plugging more repeaters and add more cables to
an Ethernet indiscriminately and expect it to work. With too
large a networks, the protocol which keeps the number
of collisions down (known as CSMA/CD) fails to do that. The
protocol documents supply rules-of-thumb which, if followed,
prevent this from occurring. If you break them, you may be risking
large performance degradations.
The latest version of the rules-of-thumb (which have been updated
over time as new features like 10BASE-T have been added to the
protocol) are in the IEEE 802.3 document describing 10BASE-T,
specifically IEEE Std 802.ei-1990 in the section called "System
Considerations for Multisegment 10 Mb/s Baseband Networks"
(When 10BASE-F is released later, this section will be updated again).
The rules refer to the piece of the LAN that is between repeaters
as a segment and refer to 4 kinds: 10BASE5 (i.e. "classic" Ethernet)
and 10BASE2 (i.e., ThinWire Ethernet) both classified as "Coax"
segments and FOIRL (fiber inter-repeater links) and 10BASE-T, both
classified as "Link" segments, and both of which have the property
that you can attach things only to their ends. The basic repeater
rule is that between any two stations on the LAN, there may be
at most 4 repeaters and three coax segments. In addition, there
are length restrictions on the segments which are designed to
keep CSMA/CD working properly:
10BASE5 500 meters
10BASE2 185 meters
FOIRL 500 meters (1000 meters in some cases)
10BASE-T 100 meters (or more)
FOIRL links can be 1000 meters if you have at most 3 repeaters
between stations instead of 4. 10BASE-T links can be longer
if the cable will support it: CSMA/CD is not the limiting factor
on 10BASE-T. For the purposes of this discussion, bridges, routers,
and gateways are "stations" since the CSMA/CD protocol does not
pass through them. Thus if you discover these rules prevent
you from putting a repeater in the network where you need one, then
you can put a bridge there instead, or perhaps split the LAN
somewhere else using a bridge.
5. Should I use "manageable" hubs, concentrators, etc on my LAN?
This is a controversial question also. Vendors have
attempted to make hubs and concentrators that require
little training & manpower to manage & troubleshoot, and
they will attempt to convince you that they have succeeded.
You pay a premium for "manageability". Those who remain
skeptical wonder how much the management features are ever
used: for example, management allows you to turn on & off
ports from an operator's console; how often do you need to
do such a thing? Also, some of the benefits attributed to
management packages are simply due to good record keeping,
something which the administrator must find the manpower to
accomplish with a management package or without one
(presumably with a simple dbms, which can often be tailored
more to the administrators needs).
6. Which LAN technology should I use? Arcnet? FDDI? Token Ring? 10BASE-T?
A controversial question. Some questions & answers from
the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"When you install a LAN, which "Technology" (e.g.
Ethernet, Token Ring) do you prefer?"
37 responders said Ethernet; 2 said "pick one and stick
with it"; 1 said token ring.
"If you have experience with two or more LAN technologies,
which have you found works better?"
Answers received:
"Ethernet works best" 7
"Ethernet works better than Token Ring" 4
"Depends on application" 1
"Ethernet works better than ARCnet" 1
"Ethernet works better than Broadband" 1
"Ethernet best, Localtalk 2nd, ARCnet 3rd" 1
"Ethernet works better than PhoneNet" 1
"Token Ring works best" 1
7. What is the ideal cable to install in a new building?
Distribution runs, i.e., phone closet to room: Best
possible thing to do is to leave usable pathways for future
expansion. Whatever you do, install at least 2 pair and
probably 4 pair of data grade unshielded twisted pair. It
will always have uses. Install something else too if you
are tied to a particular vendor. Multimode fiber might
become popular in the future but that is a gamble.
Riser runs, i.e., phone closet to phone closet: it is
imperative to leave usable pathways for future expansion.
For Ethernet, ThinWire is a usable riser cable, multimode
fiber is possible too.
8. What is the ideal cable to install between buildings on a campus?
Trunks, i.e., cables into the building: pathways for future
expansion very valuable. Multimode fiber is useful, run 24
fibers if you can. Use cable with some single mode too.
Run several times what you need initially and leave a lot
of the unused fiber unterminated for the time being. Cable
pulling & termination are much more costly than the cable
9. Whose routers are recommended?
Question & answer from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some router vendors whose routers you have used and
Cisco got 30 mentions; Wellfleet 4; PCRoute 2; Proteon 2;
Apple 1; DEC 1; Network Systems 1; Shiva 1; Vitalink 1;
3COM 1.
10. Whose bridges are recommended?
Question & answer from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some bridge vendors whose routers you have used and
DEC got 6 mentions; Retix 5; BICC 3; Cabletron 3; 3COM 3;
Cisco 2; PCBridge 2; Vitalink 2; ACC 1; Clearpoint 1;
Datability 1; Develcon 1; Dowty Scanet 1; HP 1; IBM (Token
Ring) 1; Network Application Technology 1; PCBRoute 1;
Wellfleet 1.
11. Whose Ethernet equipment are recommended?
Question & answer from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some Ethernet concentrator/transceiver/repeater
vendors whose Ethernet equipment you have used and
Cabletron got 20 mentions; BICC 8; DEC 8; HP 4; Synoptics
4; David 3; Lantronix 3; Gandalf 2; Lannet 2; Pirelli Focom
2; Acton 2; Allied Telesys 1; AMP 1; Asante 1; Chipcom 1;
Dowty Scanet 1; Dupont Electroptic 1; EAZY 1; Fibermux 1;
Hirschmann 1; IMC Network Corporation 1; NetCor
Transceivers 1; Sension 1; 3COM 1.
12. Whose Token Ring equipment are recommended?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some Token Ring equipment vendors whose Token Ring
equipment you have used and recommend:"
IBM was mentioned by 6 responders; FiberMux 1; Madge 1;
Synoptics 1.
13. Whose FDDI equipment are recommended?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some FDDI equipment vendors whose FDDI equipment you
have used and recommend:"
Cisco was mentioned by 6 responders; DEC 2; Tymeplex 2;
ALCATEL 2; AT&T 1; Synernetics 1; Tekelec 1.
14. What PC network software is recommended?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some PC network software vendors whose PC network
software you have used or recommend:"
Novell was mentioned by 19 responders; FTP Software 14; Sun
8; DEC 3; Apple 2; Farallon 2; InterCon 2; 3COM 2; Beame
and Whiteside 1; Hummingbird Communications 1; IBM 1;
Microsoft 1; NCSA 1; Neon Software 1; Network Application
Technology 1; Sitka 1.
15. What protocols should run on a campus-wide LAN?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some protocols that you use to interconnect your
campus that you would recommend:"
TCP/IP was mentioned by 39 responders; Appletalk 9; DECNET
9; IPX 9; LAT 2; Coloured Book 2; G.703 2; ISO CONS 2;
X.25/HDLC 1; XNS 1.
16. What software is recommended for managing a campus-wide LAN?
Queries and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some network management system that you use for the
management of a campus LAN, that you recommend:"
PSI SNMP was mentioned by 4 responders; Cabletron Remote
LanView 2; Cisco NetCentral 2; Proteon Overview 2; SNMP 2;
"A good drawing program" 1; DEC EMA 1; Map 1; NEMISYS from
SEEL 1; SunNet Manager 1; TRW NMS 1.
"Name other software that you use for the management of a
campus LAN that you recommend:"
FTP LanWatch was mentioned by 3 responders; EtherPeek 2;
ping 2; AG Group Net Watchman for Appletalk 1; Apple
Interpoll 1; Clarkson Packet Driver Utilities 1; DEC LAN
Traffic Monitor 1; Domain Name System 1; inetrover 1; LAN
Patrol 1; Neon Software Netminder Localtalk 1; Neon
Software Netminder Ethernet 1; Network Application
Technology EtherMeter 1; Shiva Net Manager 1; SNMP-Gawk (A
SNMP-capable Gawk) 1; traceroute 1; Unix 1; Watchdog 1.
17. What terminal server is recommended?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name vendors of terminal servers that you use and
Cisco was mentioned by 13 responders; DEC 5; Xyplex 4;
Datability 2; Xylogics 2; 3COM 2; Emulex 1; Lantronix 1;
Netcomm 1; Spider 1; TRW 1.
18. Whose troubleshooting equipment are recommended?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some vendors of network troubleshooting equipment
that you use and would recommend:"
Network General was mentioned by 8 responders; HP 4;
Tektronix 4; Cabletron 3; Novell 3; Spider 3; AG Group 2;
Wandel and Goltermann 2; FOTEC 1; Neon Software 1.
19. What security products should I buy?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"Name some security products that you use to maintain
security on your campus LAN that you recommend:"
The answers reflected the lack of obvious products to
choose from. Responses included "Athena Kerberos",
"Encryption in Net3270", "Extended TACACS', "Host
security", "Physical security", "Router access control
lists", "SecurID", "Virus Scan", and "Windows Workstation".
20. Should the names of devices on my campus LAN have subdomains?
Example of name without subdomain: bigvax.sequoia.edu;
example with subdomain: bigvax.acs.sequoia.edu. It is
possible to run networks of thousands of computers without
the bother of subdomains, but they have some advantages.
Queries and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"For Internet names of nodes on a campus network that
supports TCP/IP, do you prefer the use of subdomains?"
27 responders said yes, 5 said no, 2 said it depends.
"If you have worked on a campus that utilizes subdomains
and one that does not, which does your experience tell you
is the better way to administer names in a campus network?"
5 responders said the LAN with subdomains worked better; 2
said the LAN without subdomains worked better. One
responder claimed that a good rule of thumb is that a LAN
with more than 4000 stations works better with subdomains.
21. Should client stations use POP? Should they use just
SMTP? Should I use some non-TCP/IP protocol for mail
to/from client stations?
Query and answers from the 12/91 BIG-LAN Reader Survey:
"For client station's mail, which do you prefer: SMTP;
TCP/IP-based client-server protocols (e.g. POP, POP2,
etc); other LAN protocols?"
10 responders preferred TCP/IP-based client-server
protocols (e.g. POP, IMAP, PCMAIL); 7 preferred SMTP; 4
said "use all three"; 3 preferred users signing onto a host
system; 2 preferred other LAN protocols; 1 said "SMTP and
TCP/IP-based client-server protocols"; 1 said "SMTP and
22. Should I enable SQE/heartbeat?
This is a very brief discussion of SQE and CPT (both commonly
referred to as "heartbeat") for IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet. For
really gory details, see the appropriate documents, IEEE
standard 802.3, ISO standard 8802-3, and the DIX Ethernet V2
Standard. (The first 2 references are, in theory, identical.)
First, SQE and CPT are not quite the same thing. CPT is a part
of DIX Ethernet Version 2 and is simply a test of collision
detection functionality in the MAU (that's the correct name for
a transceiver, Media Access Unit). It is ALWAYS present in
Ethernet V2 MAUs and can't ever be disabled (without modifying
the hardware). It is required for correct operation of ALL
Ethernet V2 equipment.
SQE, on the other hand, is part of the 802.3 specification and
performs basic MAU tests and "reports" to the controller if all
is well. The "report" is in the form of a pulse nearly
identical to the V2 CPT pulse, but with slightly differing
timing specifications. It should be switchable, as 802.3
requires SQE for all terminal equipment, but prohibits it for
SQE and Heartbeat both appear as a signal in the collision lines
from the MAU to the controller after every write. This is why
MAUs with SQE enables and with displays show a collision every
time they show a write. THIS IS NORMAL!
Quick digression: What is a collision? Of course, we all know
that a collision is when two controllers start to transmit at
the same time (more of less) and that when this happens both
will stop and wait for a random interval and then retransmit if
carrier is not present. This function is critical to proper
network operation. A MAU which can't detect a collision can
mess up a network badly. This makes it critical to be able to
quickly isolate "broken" MAUs. If you don't understand this,
read any of the old papers on multiple access nets, especially
the old Aloha Net. Collisions are a normal part of Ethernets.
There is nothing "wrong" with having collisions. The name seems
to make people think that they are somehow bad. If you start to
feel that way, say to yourself 20 times before going to be
tonight: "Collisions are my friend."
Having said all of that, there is one type of collision that is
NOT your friend. The "Late Collision". This is a collision
which is generated more than 60 bytes into a packet. Since the
is "impossible", it indicates that something is seriously wrong.
Too long a cable, a bad MAU, or some other hardware problem. IF
you are getting late collisions, you are also likely corrupting
packets without knowing it because collisions are not being
properly detected.
In practice, MAUs hardly ever fail. BUT IF ONE DOES, YOU MAY
While SQE indicates a bit more than heartbeat did and is
slightly different in both timing and electrical
characteristics, they are essentially the same from the
perspective of most terminal equipment and you can replace an
Ethernet V2 MAU with an 802.3 MAU with SQE enabled most of the
time. (A notable exception is an Ethernet repeater which really
requires an Ethernet V2 MAU. There may be others.) You can even
replace an 802.3 MAU with an Ethernet V2 one most of the time.
In fact, there are "fixes" for some Ethernet V2 MAUs to disable
heartbeat and make them into something like an 802.3 MAU with
SQE disabled. This also seems to work almost all the time.
Anyone still with me? OK.
RULE FOR SQE. Always turn it on except for repeaters. There
should be no exceptions to this rule, but there are. Some
manufacturers can't seem to read standards (or just don't care).
As a result there are some terminal devices that get upset when
they see SQE. I have been told that this is true of the cisco
AGS, but not the IGS; not that there is any documentation on
this. Several email exchanges with cisco folks have not
clarified this.
There is one BIG special case, the Etherrnet fan-out box, most
commonly a DEC DELNI. This box has only one MAU, so it repeats
the CPT (it's a V2 device) that it sees from the MAU on the
"master" port. If the master port is disabled, CPT is generated
internally to keep things happy.
But, what if you plug a repeater into a DELNI? You can disable
CPT by using an 802.3 MAU with SQE disabled. or, if you don't
use the master port, turn it on and plug an Ethernet loopback
connector into the master port. In either case, CPT is disabled
to ALL PORTS! No way around this.
DELNIs produce other oddities. They reduce the maximum segment
length on segments connected to the master port to 300 meters
and shorten the maximum length of the AUI cable used between the
system and the DELNI by 5 meters. (And don't forget to include
the length of the cable between the interface and the connector
on the rear of the cabinet.) Because of these and other
oddities, I try to avoid DELNIs. And I NEVER EVER plug a
repeater of any type into one.
Other companies make 802.3 equivalents to the DELNI on which SQE
may be switched on each port. While this fixes one problem, the
timing concerns of fan-out boxes remains. Buyer beware!
Neither 802.3 nor Ethernet V2 standards cover fan-out boxes in
any way, so there is no way to really claim that they meet
standards (or don't).
We've now covered the basics. So what happens when a MAU fails?
In theory, every time it transmits a packet, an error is logged.
This happens on some equipment. But most software I've dealt
with simply ignores the error flag and does nothing. So SQE
makes absolutely no difference to these systems. THIS IS BAD
Once in a while a MAU does fail. If it is on some device that
does not log SQE failures or has a MAU with SQE turned off, you
don't know what is happening. If you are on 10BASE-T, it can be
isolated to a hub pretty quickly, but on coax you are reduced to
segmenting the cable (physically disconnecting it) until you
have isolated the problem. This is NOT fun and makes the
network manager very unpopular since the network tends to be
down for a LONG time. It took about 4 hours last time I had
this problem and could have taken longer.
What's a network manager supposed to do? Complain vigorously to
vendors of equipment that don't adhere to the standard.
Complain equally to vendors of software that doesn't bother to
log the failures. SNMP is no good if the agents don't have any
information to send out.
End of Memo: BIG-LAN Frequently Asked Questions